About Me

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cinnamon, tranquilizer, and sorry are three things i find difficult to say. i'm horrible at spelling. People say i'm funny which is good cause laughing is my favorite! I love singing loudly and dancing poorly. Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A spoon full of Sweet-N-Low

April 10th, 2008

47% recycled blog:

i stood there hoping the wind would pick up and i would be carried away over Oklahoma City on my old black umbrella with the red dragon handle, but the light flashed WALK and i begrudgingly crossed the street. No conversations with animated clouds or close encounters with birds. hello reality. Instead of being at work I wish it would rain all day long and that i could build a fort out of sheets in my living room and read for hours and hours by the glow of a flashlight pretending that my faux fireplace is bursting with precious flames.

When i was in 4th grade i had a boy haircut. wait.. i looked like a boy and the haircut didn't help. For mother's day our teacher had us make profile portraits using black paper and an overhead projector (oh those were the days). Anyway... i forgot to put my name on mine as did another boy classmate and since our teacher could not tell the difference she made me and the other student leave the room while the class voted. The profile's were so similiar that not even our teacher could tell them apart (i'm telling you the haircut was bad). Had the project had more visible characteristics it would have been clear who I was.

14 years later i feel as if i'm reliving my 4th grade mother's day project all over again, except this time i don't have a hideous boy haircut (or my favorite gray racoons in the forest shirt, you know the one.. with the stripes) or black butcher paper. I feel I am caught in this awkward transition period of "adulthood" if you will. I know who I am but i don't feel like other can see it. haha or maybe they do see and they wish that they hadn't. OR maybe all my ramblings have screwed up what had the potential of being a decent metaphor (MET-A-FUR, for those of you who know randy) when the truth is i don't think anyone gets me for me.

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